For a new issue of Farming Matters magazine, we are looking for stories about the relationship between agroecology, women and new (feminist) economics. You are warmly invited to contribute.
Recognised worldwide as a path towards sustainable and just food systems and a response to the economic and ecological crises, agroecology is now a phenomenon that stretches beyond the limits of the farm and across different socio-environmental contexts.
Inspiring examples of such new ways of farming shed light on how women and other marginalised people are in fact decisive actors in agroecology and sustainable food systems. But to what degree do they run the risk of repeating patterns of inequality? What experiences exist that demonstrate how a feminist approach to agroecology offers a greater potential for women‘s various roles to be valued, including their care tasks? How can this in turn generate a different division of work between men and women, and even new economic relations and power shifts in society?
There is a need to further learn from these perspectives and experiences. This can help to strengthen alternative economies that also give visibility to the changes in power relations in agroecological food systems today.
Send us your article
For a new issue of Farming Matters magazine – which is piloted by the AgriCultures Network and CIDSE in collaboration with Cultivate! -, we invite articles and stories based on concrete experiences that are exemplary of how agroecology and a feminist logic are mutually reinforcing. The magazine will explore how a feminist logic is generating alternative economies that are coherent with agroecology.
The main question we want to address in this magazine is: to what degree agroecology is an approach that contributes to the social, political and economic emancipation of women.

We are especially curious to hear:
● How have strategies of agroecological innovation led by women brought practical short-term solutions while reshaping structural inequality in processes of production, distribution, and consumption of food?
● What can we learn from examples where the labour and knowledge of men and women in both production and care work are equally valued?
● How have women’s movements contributed to these changes?
● How has agroecology generated new economic relations and new political narratives based on a feminist perspective?
● How have perspectives based on solidarity economy, public health, food sovereignty, etc. been used to build knowledge in the territories of agroecology?
● How has agroecology contributed to new forms of managing the ‘commons’?
● What are the lessons from these experiences for the practice, science and/ or movement of agroecology?

How to submit your article
We invite summaries of 500 words. When chosen, you will be invited to draft a longer article of around 2000 words. Contributions should be grounded in concrete experiences but also provide a broader reflection and analysis of the relevance of the experience. We will give priority to authors that have been involved in the experience themselves.
Please note: the deadline has been extended to April 15 (instead of March 31 as stated in these documents)
Send a summary of your article of about 500 words in English (preferred), Spanish, French or Portuguese before April 15, 2020 to
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