Research, Analysis and Writing

Policy Analysis
Documentation of Experiences and Case Studies
Writing and Editing
Cultivate! can work together with you to undertake research, synthesise grounded experiences, analyse policy, and provide writing and editing support. We produce policy briefs, case studies, guidebooks, academic papers and more. Our focus is always on the co-creation of knowledge for action.
Research and analysis are invaluable for underpinning the work of organisations, social movements and their wider networks looking to generate and mobilise knowledge, policy and financial support for food systems rooted in agroecology. It can be used to influence key decision-makers, to build capacities of actors involved in advancing food system transformation and to generate support from other audiences.
Examples of the publications our team members co-authored:
- Measuring Agroecology: An Agroecology Assessment Framework (2023) – by Nina Moeller and others
- Agroecology: A Transformative Opportunity for Biodiversity and the Rio Conventions (2023) – by Faris Ahmed and others
- Pooling Funds to Scale Agroecology, Agroecology Fund (2023) – by Janneke Bruil and others
- Growing Common Ground: Pathways to Advance Agroecology Policy in Canada, Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems (2023), by Faris Ahmed and others
- The Politics of Knowledge, Global Alliance for the Future of Food (2022) – by Faris Ahmed and others
- Agroecology Now! Transformations Towards More Just and Sustainable Food Systems, Palgrave Mc Millan (2021) – by Janneke Bruil and others
- Shifting Funding to Agroecology for People, Climate and Nature, ActionAid (2021) – by Janneke Bruil and others
- Food Connects Us All. ActionAid (2021) – by Faris Ahmed and others